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Integrating the MyStore into a Website

You can find out how to integrate the MyStore into your MyWebsite here.

Requirement: You have performed the first steps in your MyStore administration (see Welcome Page).

  1. Open your MyWebsite.
  2. In the main menu of your MyWebsite, click MyStore Icon.
  3. Click To the Web App.
    To the Web App
  4. Drag the MyStore Icon Web App to the appropriate position in the content area.
    Tip: You can integrate the Web App into your MyWebsite multiple times, e.g. to display different products on various subpages.
    The editing area will appear.

    Editing Area

  5. Set up the MyStore Web App as follows:
    1. Title: Enter a title such as "Books".
      Note: The title is displayed directly above the products on your website.
    2. Product results: Select which products are to be displayed.
      Note: If you only want to display products that are assigned to a specific category, you must first set up the category (see Setting up Categories).
      Note: If you only want to display selected products, use the search function to add them. To do this, enter the exact product name into the search box.
    3. Product sorting: Select how the products are to be sorted by default.
    4. Product view: Select the view in which the products are to be displayed by default.
    5. Click Save.
    You have integrated the MyStore into your website. Your customers can now buy products on your website.