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Setting up E-Mail Events

You can find out how to set up e-mail events here. In an e-mail event, an e-mail is sent automatically when a specific event occurs. For example, an order confirmation e-mail is sent automatically when a customer completes an order in your online shop.

  1. In the menu, select Settings > E-mail events.
  2. If you have not yet specified a sender for the e-mail events, proceed as follows:
    Note: You can change the sender for each e-mail event at any time later.
    1. Click Enter sender address now.
      Enter sender
    2. After the From field, click Edit.
    3. Enter the sender's e-mail address and name if necessary.
    4. Activate the Use this address for all e-mail events as a predetermined sender option.
    5. Click Apply.
    6. Click Saved.
    7. If you want to return to the e-mail events overview, select Settings > E-mail events in the menu again.
  3. To activate e-mail events, proceed as follows:
    1. In the E-mails to the user section, activate all events for which an e-mail is to be sent to your customers.
      Activate e-mail event
    2. In the E-mails to the administrator section, activate all events for which e-mails are to be sent to the administrator of your MyStore.
    3. Click Save.

    As of now, if one of the activated e-mail events occurs, an e-mail is sent to the customer or to you.

  4. To edit the contents of an e-mail that is sent for an e-mail event, proceed as follows:
    1. Click the e-mail event.
      The e-mail template is displayed.

      E-mail template

    2. To change the sender's e-mail address, click Edit after the From field.
    3. If you want to send the e-mail to people in CC or BCC, click Edit after the appropriate field and enter the e-mail addresses.
    4. If you want to edit the subject, change this directly in the Subject field.
      Note: You can add personalized information such as the customer's order number to the subject for certain e-mail events. To do this, click Insert placeholder and select the appropriate placeholder.


    5. If you want to edit the contents of the e-mail, click a section that has a dashed frame.
      Note: Once you have changed the contents, click the Close icon in the top right corner.
    6. Click Save.
    7. If you want to send a test e-mail to the sender’s e-mail address, click Send test e-mail.
    Tip: You can also specify that the following documents are automatically attached as PDF files to order status e-mails: