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Viewing Transactions

This section explains how you view transactions that have already been completed for orders.

  1. In the Orders menu, select Transactions and then the payment method.
    Note: If you want to add a new provider for a payment method, you can find more information under Adding Payment Methods.
    An overview of all the transactions completed with this payment method appears.
    Note: Notes on WorldPay transactions:
    • The Amount column: Shows the value in the shopping cart
    • The Authorised amount column: Shows the amount in the currency in which the customer paid with WorldPay
    • The AVS column: Shows the AVS code (Address Verification System code) for the transaction

      The AVS code shows the result of the user setting verification using a four-digit numerical sequence. Not all instances of access to WorldPay support the AVS code. Whether the AVS code is supported depends on the customer’s bank and the type of contract you have concluded with WorldPay.

    • The Status column: Shows which orders you have to debit manually

      You can use the Open WorldPay administration link to open and edit the orders.

  2. To search for a specific transaction, proceed as follows:
    1. Enter the search criteria, e.g. the time period in which the transaction was completed.
    2. Click Start search.
    Searching for transactions